3 Best Advice That All You Need For a Healthy Life

“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” — Thomas Carlyle

4 min readJan 24, 2022
An old man and woman meditating.
Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Getting a good physique and being healthy at some point in life is probably on so many people’s bucket lists. However, in pursuit of getting success, most of us often take easy steps, which eventually leads to numerous diseases and disabilities that we could have avoided.

Although many of us live stressful, difficult lives; changing a few things here and there can help us build habits that will allow us to live healthy for the rest of our life.

There is no lack of suggestions available on the internet on leading a healthy life. But here in this blog, I will share with you 3 key tips you need to take control of, to get a healthy life.

Healthy eating habit

Food is something that keeps us going; it is fuel for our body. This is why the quality of food we put inside matter so much. To live a healthy and fit lifestyle you need to maintain your food habits to avoid getting fat or any hard disease in the future.

Here are some of the benefits of eating healthy

  1. Eating healthy can help you lose weight.
  2. It can prevent life-threatening diseases.
  3. Healthy food choices can affect your mental health.
  4. Energy levels throughout the day can vary on the food choices you make.

How you can add healthy eating to your lifestyle

When I say eating healthy that does not mean fancy food choices. Healthy eating can be done by eating more fruits and vegetables in your diet. These fruits or veggies can be anything that you can consume on a regular basis — something which is not too much expensive or rare to find.

If you are eating junk or processed foods for so long, it will be close to impossible to leave them immediately. Try taking baby steps, bring small changes in your diet, monitor your food choices every day. If you are an office goer and have lunch outside then practice carrying tiffins with you.

Keep your diet rich in protein; consume at least 1.5–2.0/kg of bodyweight protein. Over time these tiny modifications will completely change your eating habits.

The protein powder I would recommend-

Being physically active

We know being physically active is one of the popular ways to stay healthy — but what is tough is to sustain that routine. Although doing exercises is not only beneficial for the body, also for the mind too.

Benefits of doing physical activity

  1. Physical activity helps in fat loss.
  2. It reduces the risk of a heart attack.
  3. Involving in physical activity improves mental health.
  4. Lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  5. Doing exercises and being fit help boost confidence.
  6. Exercises can improve sleep quality.
  7. Physical activity can help manage stress.

So does that mean you have to go to the gym regularly? No, it is not. A fit body can be achieved from home or on the ground also. All it requires constant hard work and patience.

How to make exercises sustainable

Every new habit takes time to build. In this case to make fitness a part of your day for the rest of your life choose a form of activity you like doing. It can be doing jumping rope, cycling, playing football, or any sports. Try to add a form of resistance training with these cardio routines to make your muscle grow; which will eventually make you look good.

Start with 15–20minuites of exercising and over time increase the time.

Home work-out kit I recommend —

Get enough rest/sleep

No matter how hard you exercise or how much-balanced diet you take if you do not let your body recover you will not see any benefit. To recover the body you need to take enough rest, at least 7–8 hours of sleep every night.

Benefits of taking rest

  1. Lower risk of heart attack and type-2 diabetes.
  2. Reduce stress and increase energy.
  3. Improving concentration.
  4. You get sick less often.
  5. Sleep can improve or cure any injury due to exercising.
  6. For athletes or normal gym-goers sleep helps in recovery.

Supplement help with better sleep-

Disclaimer — These are only for those who lack quality bedtime.


As I said in the beginning, there are thousands of blogs on the internet showing different tips and tricks to be healthy but these 3 key habit changes will renovate you over a period of time regarding health and mind.

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