5 Ways You Can See Better Fat Loss Results

To change your body you must first change your mind.

Suvadeep Paul
4 min readDec 13, 2021
Fat person.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Fat loss can be a quite hard challenge for some people — requiring constant hard work, patience, and dedication.

Although so many fad diets and supplements companies guarantee you fast results most of them are not sustainable. You can follow a few simple steps to promote long-lasting, sustainable fat loss while improving your overall health.

Here in this blog, I will share 5 easy steps which you can follow to promote fat loss in a much more easier and sustainable way.

Before I start I will suggest you read till the end so that you don’t miss any important points.

Increasing protein intake

Whether you are planning for fat loss or to build muscle protein is really important for both. If you are not eating enough protein and you are in a caloric deficit then you are most prone to lose muscle while losing weight.

Increasing your protein will help you to stay full for a longer period of time which will help you in eating less. Protein is also not easy to digest so that is why your body will spend more energy to digest that protein which will eventually allow you to burn calories even you are not working out, also known as NEAT (Non-exercise activity thermogenesis).

Adding cardio

Cardio can be a game-changer for those who can not control their cravings and always end up eating more than their calorie budget. Adding any type of cardio can help them in staying within their caloric budget.

As an example, if a person with a 2000 calorie budget consumes extra 200 calories then he can easily burn off those extra calories with any type of cardio exercise which will eventually keep them in deficit.

Doing cardio does not mean you have to do intense cardio exercises that you have found in any YouTube video or on Google, you can do any type of cardio that you like and still lose weight. This will allow it to be more sustainable as you are enjoying it to do.

Counting your calories

Counting calories can be really beneficial for those who are in a caloric deficit. Most people do not know how much they are consuming so in some situations they end up eating more which affects their weight loss goal. Also in some situations, someone consumes fewer calories and thinks they are eating enough. In both situations, those inaccuracy affects their journey.

Calories can be counted by weighing your food. To weigh your food you need a kitchen weighing scale (Link attached of the one I use). Yes, it can be tough to weigh your food every time when you are not at your home so I will say try to eat less in those situations.

Eat more fiber-rich food

Like protein, fiber is also an important macronutrient. According to some studies increasing fiber-rich food may protect against weight gain. Fiber is also good for your gut health and if you consume more protein fiber will help your digestive system to digest those proteins.

Fiber is also hard to digest for your body which will help to keep you full for a longer period of time.

I will suggest consuming more green vegetables, fresh fruits, or any protein-rich food instead of consuming fiber supplements from your favorite brands.

Consume caffeine

The caffeine in coffee increases metabolism and helps to boost the breakdown of fatty acids. Studies also show that consuming caffeine can lower the risk of belly fat, especially in men.

Consider consuming caffeine without a large amount of sugar or cream. Instead, consume it with low-calorie-dense artificial sweeteners or with a small amount of milk.

  • Disclaimer — Consumption of too much coffee can affect your sleep quality and can cause addiction.


To lose fat sustainably it is advised to avoid a crash diet and fat burners which are completely unnecessary.

It does not matter what type of food someone consumes either healthy or unhealthy if the daily caloric budget gets surpassed (caloric surplus) you will eventually gain weight. Weight only can be lost by eating in a caloric deficit. That is all someone needs to know.

So this is all for this blog hope you found it helpful. Make sure to clap this blog, share it with your friends who need it, and also follow me to help me reach 100 followers.

