3 Best Complete Exercises That Can Skyrocket Shoulder Gains

All you need to know to get 3D shoulders

Suvadeep Paul
3 min readDec 3, 2021
A man flexing back.
Photo by Nigel Msipa on Unsplash

To me, shoulders are the most beautiful part of the body and a wide shoulder can always lead to an aesthetically fascinating body. For my past 1 year of lifting, I used to train the three most basic shoulder exercises and got some exceptional results.

Here in this blog, I will show you which exercises I have done to get incredible results and guide you so that you can get these types of results too.

Before starting I would like to suggest to read till the end so that you do not miss any importan information.

Some basic information about shoulders

The shoulder is usually made of three muscle groups front head, the medial head, and the rear head. Most of the time people over-train the front head and neglect the rear head.

Exercises you should do for 3D shoulders

#1 Reverse pec-dec fly

Almost 90 percent of the time people neglect the rear delt and lack that part of their shoulder. To my knowledge Reverse pec-dec fly is the best exercise to hit the rear delt. If your gym does not have any reverse pec-dec machine then you can perform a dumbbell bent-over reverse fly or rope face pull which also hit the rear delt very well.

#2 Side lateral raise

Side lateral raise is one of the best exercises to get that wide and 3D look on your shoulders. If you do not know how to perform this exercise you can easily search on youtube or google. Try not to go too heavy on this particular exercise and focus on your mind-muscle connection.

#3 Overhead DB press

Overhead dumbbell press is the exercise I used to do to hit my front delts. Most of the pressing exercises hit the front part of our shoulder so you do not really need to hit the front part of your delt by performing a different exercise.

How to perform

As for natural lifters you need to train a particular part of your body twice or thrice a week for a good muscle protein synthesis. For that, I will suggest you hit shoulders twice or thrice. I usually train shoulders 3 times a week (sometimes 2).

Start your workout with reverse pec-dec fly or any exercise which hits the rear part of your delt after that do side lateral raise and then hit the front part. Do 4 sets of reverse fly and lateral raise as those parts are most necessary for a wide and complete shoulder mainly.

So that is all. Train hard, go till failure, and give it time to see progress.

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