Why You Are Not Losing Weight Even After Exercising

Don’t let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey.

Suvadeep Paul
4 min readMar 7, 2022
Why You Are Not Losing Weight Even After Exercising
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Fat loss or what everyone calls weight loss is probably on everyone's New year resolution list. Although it is not rocket science to lose weight, so many people struggle because of that.

I have also suffered from this and here are the 3 most common reasons that I have found which were not letting me lose weight.

#1 Not counting the macros/calories

Weight loss is based on calories in vs calories out. In simple, if you burn more calories than you consume, over a period of time weight loss will happen.

So how does counting calories help? — If you do not count the calories and do not have any proper knowledge about food then eventually you will either end up eating in so much deficit or in surplus. You have to guess the amount of food and the calories which does not guarantee an accurate calorie intake. So in the end you will end up seeing no result or a negligible amount of change.

What I suggest

Buy a food weighing scale(Link below) and track your calorie intake using food tracking apps like — MyfitnessPal, HealthifyMe, etc. to add more accuracy.

#2 Exercise selection

Doing sit-up for a constant 30 minutes or following a 10 minutes fat-burning YouTube video will not help you get the six-pack you desire. You have to know which exercises are for what reason. Some exercises are to build muscle, some are to build endurance, and some are to lose weight.

Cardio exercises are what that cause burning most amount of calories and losing weight. You do not have to perform 100 types of exercises in 100 ways. Just simply pick any type of movement you like to do — Cycling, Running, Skipping and do it for 30–60minutes daily.

Disclaimer — Even if you want to build muscle it is recommended to do some cardio after resistance training. With your muscle, you also need to train the heart.

#3 Not giving the body proper rest

The body needs rest to recover or lose weight, and to give the body its much-needed rest you have to sleep well. Sleep is the time when the body repairs the tissues that are being damaged throughout the day.

Here are some importance of proper rest

  • It helps the body in recovering.
  • You can feel more active every day if you sleep well.
  • Mentally you will be in a much better place to work out.
  • If you feel sore after training a good sleep can recover you from that.

Along with proper rest, stress and a lack of patience(seeking overnight results) also play a big role in not seeing progress. From stress, I meant mental stress like anxiety, depression, any mental health issue, etc.

If you want to learn more about how rest days are actually essential then you can check this blog I wrote recently.

These are the reason that I have found the most important reasons behind not seeing a result. If you just can simply focus on these 3 points, I can guarantee you some visible results.

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My Supplement and Weight scale links (Affiliate)

