Why You Are Not Motivated to Work Out Anymore

It is a habit that keep you going not motivation.

Suvadeep Paul
4 min readMar 17, 2022

Through my blogs, I always shared making fitness a part of life but never described what to do if you are not getting any motivation.

Fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s not like you get in shape only for summer and then again get back to the old unhealthy routine; it should not be like that. Fitness should be a habit, not something which you only do when you are motivated.

For that reason in this blog, I will discuss why are you losing your motivation and what to do to get back on track.

Why You Are Not Motivated to Work Out Anymore
Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

#1 Not seeing noticeable progress

Almost 70% of people leave exercise due to not seeing a feasible outcome.

Most of them assume that getting a body like an Instagram model is relatively easy. Only a few months of hard work will be enough to achieve that. But the reality is quite harsh. Building a quality physique requires years of hard work and dedication.

Most of the time lack of knowledge and patience causes all of these messes.

So, what can you do to avoid others' mistakes? You can teach yourself about the basics of fitness using online resources like YouTube, Google, by reading blogs and surrounding yourself with people who have good knowledge about fitness. Or just simply follow me :)

Make a mindset of giving the body enough time to respond to the hard work you do in the gym.

#2 Making things too hard to follow

In the beginning, too many people make simple things complicated; like following a restricted diet, doing advanced exercises, thinking about what supplements to take or not. It should not be that tough.

Here is a type of training program I always recommend others to do.

You are not going for any competition. Your goal is just to stay healthy and maintain a good physique.

You don’t need to go that much advance while starting, try to go for basic exercises and over time upgrade to an advanced level. That means you should try to keep everything simple like following an easy diet (like cutting processed food, deleting sugar) and choosing an easy sustainable training program.

#3 Thinking of workout as a burden

Except for those who are passionate about fitness almost everyone takes fitness as a burden. I consider myself passionate about fitness and that’s why for me — mornings are the most exciting part of the day as I go to the gym in the morning but for most of you, I guess that’s the worst part.

That is why choose a workout/training plan depending on what you enjoy. If you like cycling then go do it. You do not need a gym to be fit or build a healthy body.

#4 Lack of patience

Everyone wants a body within a few months or sometimes weeks which is never possible until you take steroids or have unbelievable genetics. Better do not compare yourself with fitness YouTubers and keep patience. Do not compare your 3-month results with their 3 years progress.

So that’s all I want to say, remember one thing no matter what you do if you can’t keep patience you can not achieve anything not only in terms of fitness but also in life.

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